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The history of the show

25 August, 1903
First annual general meeting
It was resolved that surplus funds from the Industrial Exhibition be devoted to purchase of land as a site for the future use of the Association.

18 December, 1903
2 sites inspected - Mr. Bramwell's (South St.) and Mr. Trewin's (South St/Kimbolton Rd.)
Resolved - that the Association purchase the land situated on Kimbolton Rd. and South St. containing 9 1/2 acres at a cost of 1100 pounds from Mr. Jas. Trewin.

15 January, 1904
100 pounds paid for land -the balance to remain at 2% for 5 years with option of paying off sums of 50 pounds. Trust to be formed to manage land.

29 January, 1904
Open air Festival to be held on newly purchased land on February 24.

12 February, 1904
Secretary to write to Supt. Twomey asking for first refusal of his property adjoining the Association's should he wish to sell.

11 March, 1904
Subcommittee set up to look at fencing, drainage etc, of show ground.

10 June, 1904
Tenders be called for work on Association land. After termination of Mr. Harford's lease, the land not be let for grazing. Committee not to buy property offered by Mr. Entwistle and Mr. Belfit.

15 July, 1904
That the ground be let to Mr. Harford for 5 shillings per week and that no football be allowed to be played on the ground.

14 October, 1904
Feilding Jockey Club offers to lend Racecourse for the show, on condition that any damage is made good. Resolved that the show be held on the Racecourse.

21 March, 1904
Subcommittee to view Association ground to report on conditions and suggest improvements.

7 April, 1905
A letter from Mr. J. Twomey re sale of section. The Executive Committee to meet Mr. Desmond on Friday 14 April to inspect his property.

14 April, 1905
Secretary to write to Mr. Desmond asking for refusal of his property for one month. (Reply affirmed on 18 April.) Subcommittee to confer with Jockey Club as to what terms the racecourse could be leased for a term of years, and what permanent stands could be erected.

12 May, 1905
Jockey Club is anxious to meet Assoc. in every way with use of racecourse for show purposes. Subcommittee formed to discuss erection of stands.

26 May, 1905
Correspondence from Mr. Twomey re section offered to Association. Resolved that Assoc. not in position to purchase Mr. Desmond's property at present. Resolved that special committee to be set up to view Mr. Twomey's ground and report on suitability for show purposes.

9 June, 1905
Committee reported and it was resolved that the Association not accept Mr. Twomey's offer.
Subcommittee to confer with Jockey Club re lease of racecourse for show purposes.

7 July, 1905
The subcommittee is empowered to have a lease drawn up with the Jockey Club. Mr. Cobbe moved that the Section in South St. owned by Fdg. I.A.& P be offered. to Feilding Borough Council at a price to be fixed by the executive. If declined, the property should be offered for sale providing satisfactory arrangements were made with Jockey Club re grazing rights.

15 September, 1905
Funds from sale of Association land be devoted to erection of permanent yards and if further funds required, then sum of not more than 500 pounds raised by debenture or personal guarantees. That the Pens Committee be authorised to spend not more than 500 pounds in the erection of permanent and temporary cattle, sheep and pig pens.

6 October, 1905
Mr. Richmond submitted the draft lease between Jockey Club and Assoc. Amended and approved.
The Association's section on South St. and Kimbolton Rd. be offered to Borough Council at 150 pounds per acre.

19 October, 1905
Messrs. Bramwell, Gorton and Cobbe be dispatched to wait on Council with regard to purchase of Assoc land. Mr. Gorton to be asked to prepare plan of Feilding Racecourse for the lease between Jockey Club and Association.

20 October, 1905
Letter from Town Clerk stating that Council would buy land. Referred to Executive Committee with recommendation to accept terms as proposed by Borough Council. Draft lease with Jockey Club was approved.

30 October, 1905
Subcommittee to meet with Mayor and Town Clerk re sale and make necessary arrangements.

28 February, 1906
Feilding I.A. & P. Association formed to replace the Feilding and District Industrial Association. Pens committee to wait on Feilding Jockey Club with reference to erection of permanent sheep pens and completion of lease.

4 May, 1906
The Feilding Poultry Show be run under auspices of Fdg. IA&P this year, and the Association consider taking over the Fdg. Poultry Assn next year.

25 May, 1906
The rule on voting for officers (from Man. A.&P. rules) be adopted and the clause relating to quorum be brought into conformity with the Act. Subcommittee to see Jockey Club re position of sheep pens and completion of lease. That the show in 1907 be a two day show - Tue/Wed. 5/6 February 1907.

29 June, 1906
Ground committee had met Jockey Club ground committee and most satisfactory arrangements had been made. ??

3 August, 1906
The Association resolves to donate 10 guineas to proposed Technical School.

24 August, 1906 - Executive Meeting
The lease between the Assn. and Feilding jockey Club approved. Secretary authorised to obtain Common Seal for Association. Secretary authorised to pay Jockey Club 5 pounds for last year's show, and 5 pounds on completion of lease (1 year's rent in advance.) (This lease and payments were passed by General Committee meeting following the Executive Meeting.)

5 October, 1906
Mr Gorton reported that there had been a misunderstanding with the Jockey Club in regard to position of pegs, and suggested that the Association endeavour to purchase or lease one or two acres of Mr Meehan's land, next to Feilding Jockey Club property. Resolved that the ground committee be authorised to interview Mr Meehan in regard to purchase or lease of portion of his land. Mr Gorton reported that Mr Meehan would lease about 4 1/2 acres at $10 per annum.
Jockey Club notified completion of lease. A Ram Fair is to be held in Feilding under auspices of Assn. on the day following the show. Report of pens committee adopted and expenditure of 200 pounds authorised with recommendation to be as economical as possible. Resolved that Mr. Meehan's offer of land be declined.

7 October, 1906
Ground committee reported difficulty attracting labour and hollow in paddock was not yet filled.
Auctioneers had agreed to hold Ram Fair after show. Barraud and Abraham would supply fencing at cost price for paddocking.

11 January, 1907
Erection of temporary pens completed. 20 pig pens put up, and more could be added if required.

13 February, 1907
Secretary reported loss of approx. 160 pounds on show. Pig pens to be removed by Ground Committee.

22 March, 1907 - Special General Meeting (about 20 members present)
That this Special General Meeting confirms the alterations in rules as adopted by the general Committee at a meeting held on 29 June 1906, with the exception of clause relating to Vice-Presidents. Hearty vote of thanks to Messrs. Haggitt and Sandilands for revising rules and placing them in conformity with the A.&P. Societies act. Rules re voting for election of officers and committee as ascertained in the rules of Man. A&P Assn. (Rule 4 - subclauses a & b) be adopted,
and that the clause relating to a quorum be brought into conformity with A & P Societies Act.

26 April, 1907
Ground Committee reports that drainage is proceeding and authorised to spend 75 pounds to erect permanent pens for mares and foals. Secretary to write to Jockey Club asking them to fill and metal the widened road.

24 August, 1907
A Ram Fair to be held in conjunction with the show - subcommittee set up to liaise with auctioneers.

20 December, 1907
That the gate on Oval be erected in accordance with letter from Feilding Jockey Club.

February, 1908
Mr Coe, proprietor of Laughing Gallery?, was present and offered the structure as erected on Racecourse to the Association for the sum of 12 pounds. Resolved that the building be purchased for the sum of 12 pounds.

27 March, 1908
A subcommittee be formed to consider holding an Industrial Show.

8 April, 1908
The time is opportune to hold another Industrial Exhibition following the 1909 show - provided a guarantee of 1000 pounds is forthcoming.

24 April, 1908
Report of subcommittee adopted, then committee decided that it was not a good idea, and moved not to have the Industrial Exhibition.

17 July, 1908
Various subcommittees set up - Sheep, Horses and Competitions, Produce and Home Industries, Cattle, Pigs, School gardens, Guessing Competitions, Reception and Accommodation, Ground, Gates, Luncheon.

21 August, 1908
Two letters from Jockey Club re ground for implements and side shows was referred to Grounds Committee. CHAIRMAN - The Jockey Club had allowed the Association to plough and fence a certain portion of the land adjoining the oval. Resolved that the offer of the Jockey Club be accepted and Ground Committee has power to do the necessary work.

24 August, 1909
Resolved that a Horse Parade be held in Mr. Gorton's paddock on Friday 17 September, 1909, at 3p.m. Entries to close on Friday 10 September at 9p.m. Entry fee 5 shillings per horse.

8 October, 1909
Loss of 1pound 11 shillings made on Horse Parade. Classes for Flock rams reinstated at show.

12 November, 1909
That the Association have the sheep yards levelled at a cost to the Assn. of not more than 10 pounds. That the Grounds Committee be authorised to buy iron standards for sheep paddocks.
That Ground Committee make enquiries re renting paddock for accommodation of sheep and report to General Committee.

17 December, 1909
Mr. J.B. Swan and Co's application for erection of cow bails be referred to Ground Committee. The Committee could not undertake the responsibility of providing cows.

8 April, 1910
Resolved that the ground on the racecourse leased by this Association be let to Messrs. Gorton and Son at an annual rental of 5 pounds, subject to approval of the Feilding Jockey Club.

19 June, 1910
Feilding Jockey Club consents to subletting portion of ground. Subcommittee set up to meet Chamber of Commerce to discuss holding of an Industrial Exhibition. Ground committee asked to inspect grounds as soon as possible to make necessary improvements, and to take into consideration the possibility of leasing or purchasing land for accommodation paddocks.

25 June, 1910
Recommended to General Committee that the Assn. should co-operate with Feilding Chamber of Commerce to promote an Industrial Exhibition at Easter, 1912. The committee was of the opinion that it would be necessary to provide the A.&. P. Association against possible loss: such guarantee, outside the Association to be three fifths of total amount. The committee to remain in office as an Exhibition Committee with power to add from members of Assn., Chamber of Commerce and leading residents of town and country.

9 July, 1910 - Ground Committee Meeting.
Correspondence received from Messrs. Prior and Kennedy, and Jas. Meehan with offers of land.
Mr. Scandlye(?) had 5 acres of land to sell. Mr. Wilson also brought up the question of erecting a shed for Produce and Home Industries exhibits, and produced an estimate of costs for same.
Messrs. Wilson and Burrell should interview Mr. Meehan re land under offer. Resolved that the Ground Committee be authorised to erect additional yards alongside present cattle yards for accommodation of dairy stock and that necessary gates be erected. That the Ground Committee be authorised to erect a Produce Shed.

19 July, 1910
Mr. Wilson reported that Mr. Meehan would not grant a right-of-way from KawaKawa Rd. to the section under offer. Recommended to the General Committee that the President and Mr. Wilson
interview Mr. Meehan and purchase the land under offer at a price not exceeding 100 pounds per acre. Report from Grounds Committee to General Committee - re land purchase should be adopted; that referring to Produce Shed and Cattle Yards be referred to Finance Committee for favourable consideration.

28 July, 1910
The Chairman mentioned that the Association, at General Committee Meetings, had agreed to purchase Mr Meehan's land. Mr Meehan's terms were 200 pounds down, balance at 5 1/2% for 5 years, price 100 pounds per acre. The Chairman was authorised to offer 300 pounds cash, on
condition that interest for balance was reduced to 5%. Consideration of erection of produce shed and additions to yards be left to a future meeting of the Committee.

8 August, 1910
Mr Haggitt explained that legal difficulties stood in the way of concluding deal with Mr Meehan, and that the Association had an option till 20 September.Mr. Haggitt to find out from Lands and Survey Dept. whether Carr St. had been dedicated to Manawatu County Council. Mr Wilson submitted plans and specifications for a produce shed 70' x 30'. No decision was made.

13 September, 1910
Mr Meehan's land purchased by the Association,(9 acres of land in Carr St.,) Manawatu County, and mortgage executed to secure part of the purchase money.

29 March, 1911 - Ground Committee Report
The Association suggested that the sheep pens be extended for 48 feet towards and into the Association paddock, giving about 110 extra pens. This will necessitate removing the Feilding Jockey Club's boundary fence. The leads to cattle pens will require altering in order to give
space. Also recommended that a row of dairy cattle pens (about 30) be erected alongside the length of the existing cattle pens; also that 14 additional horse pens be erected. A water trough should be erected in the vicinity of the sheep guessing pen and that if attainable, borough water be supplied.

11 April, 1911
The Executive Committee recommended that the existing mortgage on the Association's land be paid off and that arrangements be made for a bank overdraft on the security of the land.


18 August, 1911
Frontage of paddock from front fence to drain to be ploughed and levelled, and drain piped to the necessary distance past cattle lead. Previous report amended to 42' extension giving 150 sheep pens (110 for next show). General committee asked for 100 pounds for necessary work.

25 August, 1911
Permission obtained from the Feilding Jockey Club to remove boundary fence, on condition it is replaced if the Association vacate the Jockey Clubs grounds; also the Club had agreed to extension of borough water supply.

15 November, 1912
Committee voted that they purchase land from Mr Meehan, who would sell 18 acres at 100 pounds per acre, not including the homestead on land.

13 December, 1912
Resolved that necessary fences be erected on show grounds.

10 January, 1913
Resolved that Mr Eliott's offer of a third paddock be accepted.

28 February, 1913
Conditions of lease (tender):
Term - from 7 March to 7 December
Sheep only to be grazed.
To be divided into two lots of about 12 acres each, no.1 containing 2 paddocks with frontage to Kawa Kawa Rd.
Property to be let in either one or two lots, alternate tenders to be called.

30 January, 1914
Resolved that the Association's land be divided for leasing purposes into 3 lots. LOT 1: Carr St(?) - 2 acres
LOT 2: Carr St(?) - 10 acres
LOT 3: Kawa Kawa Road - 18 acres

14 December, 1917
It was proposed that the Association agrees to exchange with the Feilding Jockey Club that portion of land marked (1) on the surveyed plan, for that portion of Scandlyn's(?) section, marked (4). The
Feilding Jockey Club is to dedicate a road one chain wide, marked (5), and also to pay legal expenses of the transfer and the expense of erecting the dividing fence on the piece of land, marked (1) on the surveyed plan.

14 September, 1920
As stated in the lease with the Jockey Club it will be necessary after the next show to remove the cattle, horse, sheep and pig pens.

22 April, 1921
It was decided to proceed to Race Course in order to get an idea of where to have new Show Grounds. Request to the Jockey Club that the Association be allowed to leave in present position the whole of the sheep pens and the five blocks of cattle pens nearest the sheep pens until after the show of February 1922. The remainder of the cattle pens, the row of horse pens adjoining cattle yards and the pig pens to be removed by the Association as soon as possible.

19 October, 1923
Erection of of Sheep pavilion started. To be completed in ten weeks. Sheep pavilion to be named the Manchester Block Jubilee Pavilion.

26 November, 1926
The Association has carried out a complete system of drainage for the carrying away of storm and flood waters which previously flowed through the Pavilions and the Showgrounds.

18 November, 1927
Building of the Pig Pavilion (50 pens and 2 wash pens) started. The Pig Pavilion is to have a centre alleyway of 9 feet with 25 pens on each side. Pens to be 5 feet deep by 4 feet 6 inches wide.

22 August, 1930
It was proposed that a 2nd Sheep pavilion be permanently connected with selling ring, in same manner as first pavilion.

26th September, 1930
The Association was not in a stable financial position to connect 2nd sheep pavilion. A temporary connected was advised.

18 Setember, 1931
The fee for the hire of Sale Ring and pavilions were reduced to $10-10-0, per day.

26 May, 1933
Talk of amalgamation between Feilding & Manawatu A & P. Feilding says no as they are in better financial shape than Manawatu.

20 July, 1933
Due to insufficient accommodation for pigs, the pig committee is endeavouring to arrange a gift class to help pay for a new pig pavilion.

18 October, 1933
Permission was granted to spend $45 pounds in mole draining out the Association's property and arranging the necessary outlets.

15 December, 1933
The Jockey Club was written to for permission to connect with their main water pipe at the Horse Wash and assuming permission is granted, a new trough will be placed near the cattle shed and will be supplied with the new water connection. Permission was granted 23 February 1934.

13 July, 1934
The Jockey Club to be approached in regard to leasing a site between the South Street gates for the erection of an Exhibition Hall. Idea held over until next Annual General Meeting when the Association will be more finacially stable.

21 December, 1934
Pig Pavilion building was completed.

22 December, 1934
The Ground Commitee requested that the 'fat stock pens' have 4 x 2ft added to strengthen the pens and each gate to have two extra 4 x 1 1/4 added. 36 feet of the Selling Ring needs to be boarded in. In order to prevent Rams from breaking through the wire netting, six bays of the pavilion need 8 x 1 boards.

22 May, 1937
The time was right financially to consider building an Industrial hall on the grounds.

12 November, 1937
Two sky lights are to be put in the sheep pavilion.

4 March, 1938
The Association will lease an area of land (3 1/2 chain frontage by 1 3/4 chain deep) of their property on Kawa Kawa Road to the Jockey Club (for a new race track and roadway), providing the Association was given a renewal of lease of the use of the Jockey Club Grounds for Annual Show.

17 April, 1942
Grounds being used by military - no show being held, although at meeting on 27 March, the Secretary was asked to apply for the usual show dates for 1943.

22 May, 1942 - AGM.
It was resolved to try to hold an Autumn Produce Show.

5 March, 1943
Mr. Fitzpatrick brought forward question of starting a fund for a Home Industries Hall on the Association's property. The Associaiton to apply for usual show dates 1/2 February, 1944.

13 August, 1943
General committee recommends holding show on 1/2/ February, 1944.

14 July, 1944
It was recommended to erect a 'Sanitary Convenience' and ‘Auctioneers Clerks Office' adjacent to the Sheep Pavilion. Idea to be held over until finances improve.

13 July, 1945
The Executive agreed to erect a Catering Stall and Ladies Toilet Room. Work to be finished by September.

The Association held a Grand Ball, where 700 patrons attended. The profit made from the ball of $83/12/6 was allocated to the Industrial Hall Fund - created to help finance a much wanted Industrial Hall.

1948 - From Annual Report 28 May 1948.
No Annual Show due to Infantile Paralysis epidemic.
Social Evening to farewell Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Wild and mark appreciation of Mr. Wild’s services to the Association during the 24 years he officiated as President, Hon. Treasurer and Committeeman.
New Fat Cattle Pens ( 40 single and 20 double) - permanent structure in steel.
Earthworks for new unloading ramp at western end of sheep pavilion commenced and widening of road at Rata St., will help stock handling facilities.
Miss D. Miller resigns after 17 years as Secretary.
Decided that show days should be Friday and Saturday. Committee to apply for these days.

1950 - From Annual Report 26 May 1950.
44th Annual Show held on 31 January/1 February - excellent weather.
Fat Lamb competition held in November was quite successful - larger entries needed.
Heavy expenditure on maintenance of gounds and buildings and new works. More gates added to Cattle Pens and provision made for Beef Bull Sales - first sale September 1950.
Association acquired office space in central location - approximately 1700 pounds.
Efforts to secure Friday/Saturday show dates unsuccessful - 1951 show will be Tuesday/Wednesday 30/31 January, followed by Ram Fair.

15 December, 1967
Building of present office began. Official opening held in July 1968.

1970 - From Annual Report 26 June 1970.
1970 Show most successful - entries up in most sections.
Ram Fair - Association had difficulty obtaining entries for ram fair, but made arrangements for breeders requiring sales to use facilities. Romney Ram Fair now held in December.
Goats provided new section for show.
Car Club negotiating for use of land. That part of farm land already being cropped is to be leased for a further year.
24 September 1970
The President introduced Mr R K Lester who explained the Car Club proposals for a Motor Race Track near Feilding.

3 March, 1973
Rob Lester on behalf of the Car Club explained their future plans for development of the grounds. Specific points mentioned were -
* TOILETS - All A & P toilets to be connected to Sewer at no cost to A & P, the toilets near the cattle stalls to be eventually upgraded by the Car Club.
* FENCING - A mesh fence with openings will be erected across one end of the cattle stalls.
* OFFICE - An office to be constructed in one end of the Pig Shed.
* PITS - Eventually alterations to be proposed for the Sheep and Cattle sheds which would facilitate their use for Pits.
The first major race meeting will take place on 27 & 28 October 1973.

3 August, 1973
A meeting was held between Rob Lester and A & P representatives to discuss what work the Car Club wants done at grounds. The following was discussed and agreed:
Extend A & P toilets, 6ft high fence from Hall to Sheep Shed, netting on public sides of Sheep Pavilion, 6ft fence from Sheep to Pig Shed, a fence and trees along new road parallel to accommodate house macracapa hedge and tree inside Kawakawa Road fence, remove bullock pen
by Sheep Pavilion, 2 Observation Towers and Office on Pig Shed, trees along boundary with Jockey Club at back of Hall, Administration Block above Dummy Grid, Potato Boxes to be stacked tidily in area to be set aside, seal Dummy Grid, one entrance only off KawaKawa Road into farm.

4 November, 1974 - Special General Meeting
Association facing liquidity problem. Divide office and rent part? Sale of part of ground to Manfeild? Borrow $5000 at 9%? Debentures?

13 November, 1974
Raising of $5000 for show expenditure approved.

27 February, 1975
Discussion re having show date in December. Mr. Lester said Car Club could help more in December.

12 March, 1975 - Horse Committee.
Suggested Anniversary Weekend for show date. Prize money to be paid out at show.

13 March, 1975 - General Committee
Rent hall to Dairy Board for $50 per week?
Show date 1st weekend in December? Horse - NO. Shearing - NO. Dairy - YES. Sheep - EITHER DATE. Dog section - EITHER. CWI - YES. Car Club - YES. Vote taken - January by 1 vote.

17 April, 1975 - General Committee
Hall rented to Dairy Board - 12 months - perhpas more.
Mr. King suggested asking Car Club for an amount per head instead of car fee.

29 May, 1975 - AGM
Recommend to Executive that part of office be rented. $200 per sq. ft. plus.

13 June, 1990 - AGM
Association joined with Jockey Club, Man. Car Club and Enterprise Feilding to run the Feilding Carnival. Association granted two year hold on CPI with Car Club.Water meter connection installed on Kawa Kawa Rd., ready for laying of new water mains through IA&P and Manfeild complex.

23 August, 1990
Association not to take part in 1991 Festival. Water coming in to hall floor. Car park to be sealed. Car Club wants to remove back section of pig pavilion.

15 November, 1990
Land swap with Jockey Club. Fence between Jockey Club and IA&P land. B&G Gym Club and Badmnton Association to help with sealing of car park.

18 March, 1991
Change of bank accounts from BNZ to ANZ.

15 May, 1991 - AGM
Manfeild Park Committee formed during the year.

25 June, 1991
North Island Shearing Chmpionship committee has asked to put shearing stage at end of sheep pavilion. Available for show use. Shearing championships second Sunday in February. Shearing committee will give money towards showers in the hall. Car Club asking about removal of cattle pens.

17 December, 1991
Richard Lester asked to put garage back as it was -(single garage became double?)

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